Provide Liquidity to FANC - ADA LP; Earn Txn Fee and farm FANC
Liquidity Pool for ADA-FANC pair will be created in and by Fanance Club dApp. One way to effectively hold your FANC is to add liquidity to the ADA-FANC pool and stake your LP token.
Staking ADA-FANC LP token will farm FANC with lucrative APYs, proportionate to the LP contribution, with conscious design such that the early supporters will be incentivized heavily.
On top of that, a % of the transaction fee of the whole platform (transaction from FANC Transaction, Staking fee, Transaction on trading all players) will be shared with ADA FANC LP Stakers as per below
For FANC Transactions (Buy/Sell FANC, Stake & Unstake FANC-ADA LP):
40% of Transaction fees for ADA-FANC LP token stakers
For Player’s Transactions (Buy/Sell PLAYERS, Stake & Unstake PLAYER_FANC LP):
10% of transaction fees for ADA-FANC LP token stakers
Last updated
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